Seasons of life

September 13, 2017

I’m not going to lie, I am pretty jealous of the full-fledge fall weather going on back in our home town right now. While our family and friends in N.Y. are posting about pumpkin spice and pulling out their cozy fall sweaters we are over here still setting our air conditioner and eating all the ice cream. Japan is still pretty hot in September but I think it’s safe to say we are finally starting to have cooler nights and days aren’t as overpowering.

This summer absolutely flew by! Lucy and I spent a full month in America and Sean joined us for two of those weeks. I have a thing for “firsts” and being home watching Lucy try so many new things was very special. It made my heart happy to see friends and family love on her.

When we got back we dove right into the end of summer Obon festivities. My favorite time of year here is the end of summer! I love all the fireworks, amazing food and entertainment. Japan sure knows how to throw a party. The best way I can explain town festivals is to ask you to think of a huge Fourth of July party. Now imagine your entire town showing up to celebrate and party together. It’s a ton of fun and really cool to feel such a strong sense of community as everyone comes together. There are also firework displays and drum performances in different public parks around the city. Schools hold annual sports days where you can watch students perform and compete. As the summer season is coming to an end days are shorter. I am starting to focus on preparing for my sister, brother and nephews visit in October! As well as crafting for Lucy’s one year birthday (are you kidding me).

It’s bitter sweet to love two different places. I have the most conflicting feelings when we travel back and forth. It physically hurts and if I think about it for more than about two minutes I’m a blubbering mess. I am not trying to sound dramatic, it's just a lot for my heart. I’m constantly reminding myself that life is full of seasons. Each one is meant to be enjoyed in it's own time. If we get caught up in what’s to come we can easily miss the joys of the one we are in. Soon we will be planning for our trip back stateside. It’s already going extremely fast and I find myself just wanting to be in the moment. Begging myself not to miss the small things. Lucy is growing like wild fire and her tight clothes and baby babble forming words these days is constant reminder that life is truly fleeting.

P.S. I will pay good money to have someone send me pumpkin anything and food scented candles…

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